
A young boy has just snached your gold chain and sped off on a waiting bike . write a dialogue reporting the incident to a policeman.

Answer :

Old woman(sobbing):sir i was going to the market, a young boy snatched away my necklace.
police:oh..madame tell me ,when did this happen?
old:about 30 minutes ago
police:hmm...give me all details you know about that young boy
old:he seems to be 9 or 10 years old. he was fair and had untidy brown hair.
he wore a torn white shirt and black trousers.he had no slippers and when he was running he was crying some unknown language and was shouting to his friends who accompanied him quite far away-may be to run away he got the necklace!
police:so it seems that he is an outsider, may be some on who came here to work illegally!
old:please find him and bring my necklace back sir,it is worthy of lakhs!!
police:dont worry madame i had already given the information. he will be caught qucikly!  
Me - Sir,help me please!

Policeman - Yes mam.How can I help you?

Me - A young boy has just snatched my gold chain 

Policeman - When did this happen?

Me - just 10 minutes before.

Policeman - Where did this incident took place?

Me - 3rd street of Gandhi Nagar.

Policeman  - Do you notice him or any other identity which could help us?

Me - He seemed to be a 18 years old boy and he wore a red shirt and he had a black hero honda bike.

Policeman - Do u remember the number of his bike?

Me - yeah it is "TN 05 2050"

Policeman - hmm...thankyou for your information mam.We will surely catch him and return your chain.

Me -Thankyou so much sir.Please get him as soon as possible.