Answer :

THIS is because of the secularism.our constitution has given the ideas of  equality,fraternity and brotherhood . it was ancient time when the leaders would  come from communities. our india is a democratic country . and it has proclaimed itself as a secular country.secularism means that there will be no role of religions , community in the work of the pakistan has announced itself as a muslim country and there are no rights for other religions . but our india doesn't want to misbehave with the other religions.

Yes, because to secularism, the Constitution does not specify which minister will come from which community. Secularism says that neither religion nor community will have any influence over how the government operates. The principles of equality, fraternity, and brotherhood are enshrined in our constitution. In the distant past, communities would produce leaders. Our India has declared itself to be a secular nation and is a democratic nation. India as a nation does not wish to offend other religions.

It is a well-known fact that in democracies, the majority controls the government. Majority, however, does not just refer to the majority of people in terms of their community or religion. True majority refers to the majority of opinions.


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