Answer :

child labour.
Child labour is a major problem in India. children under the age of fourteen in India than the entire population of the of our countr. Over 85 per cent of this child labour is in the country’s rural areas, working in agricultural activities, such as farming, livestock rearing, forestry and fisheries. This labour is outside the formal sector, and also outside industry. Moreover, nine out of ten children working children work within a family setting. During the course of working  in their family setting, children also develop skills in certain traditional crafts.The Government of India must ensure that the needs of the poor are fulfilled before attacking child labour. If poverty is addressed, the need for child labour will automatically decline. No matter how hard India tries, child labour always will exist until the need for it is removed. Child labour is, of course, a great hamper in the development of India as a nation. Children are growing up illiterate because they have been working when they need to attend school.....

hope its help u.

Child Labour is a condition , where small children go to work. Because of their economic problems.

It is being done in India on a large scale.

And it is banned too .

Ways to eradicate child labour :

By spreading awareness among people we can eradicate child labour.
Generally the child of poor families work as Child labour.
So , there must be more employment among the poor people.
Government should provide more jobs .
By reducing poverty we can eradicate the child labour.
By promoting education in the rural and Poor areas.
By supplying food in those rural and Poor families.
The National Population Policy 2000 strongly focused on this problem. It also takes many steps to eridicate the child labour.
It strongly focused on educating the children of age 6-14 .
It provides mid day meals also in government schools so that the children do not work for getting food.