what is the highest and lowest resistance that can be made by joining five 10ohms resistance? draw the circuit diagrams and also write calculation.​

Answer :


To find the highest and lowest resistance that can be made by joining five 10 ohms resistors, we can use the series and parallel combination of resistors.

1. **Highest Resistance (Series Combination)**:

When resistors are connected in series, the total resistance is the sum of individual resistances.

\[ R_{\text{total}} = R_1 + R_2 + R_3 + R_4 + R_5 \]

\[ R_{\text{highest}} = 10 \, \Omega + 10 \, \Omega + 10 \, \Omega + 10 \, \Omega + 10 \, \Omega = 50 \, \Omega \]

2. **Lowest Resistance (Parallel Combination)**:

When resistors are connected in parallel, the reciprocal of the total resistance is the sum of the reciprocals of individual resistances.

\[ \frac{1}{R_{\text{total}}} = \frac{1}{R_1} + \frac{1}{R_2} + \frac{1}{R_3} + \frac{1}{R_4} + \frac{1}{R_5} \]

\[ \frac{1}{R_{\text{lowest}}} = \frac{1}{10 \, \Omega} + \frac{1}{10 \, \Omega} + \frac{1}{10 \, \Omega} + \frac{1}{10 \, \Omega} + \frac{1}{10 \, \Omega} \]

\[ \frac{1}{R_{\text{lowest}}} = \frac{1}{10} + \frac{1}{10} + \frac{1}{10} + \frac{1}{10} + \frac{1}{10} = \frac{5}{10} \]

\[ \frac{1}{R_{\text{lowest}}} = \frac{5}{10} \]

\[ R_{\text{lowest}} = \frac{10}{5} = 2 \, \Omega \]

So, the highest resistance is 50 ohms when the resistors are connected in series, and the lowest resistance is 2 ohms when the resistors are connected in parallel.

Circuit Diagrams:

1. Series Combination:





2. Parallel Combination:









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