these are some questions from chapter 1 english litrature. i am having great problem in solving these
1. Explain the significance of the phrase “God moves in mysterious ways” in the story, “A Letter
to God” by G.L Fuentes.
2. Discuss the theme of faith and human nature as portrayed in “A Letter to God.”
3. How does the story "A Letter to God" explore the idea of miracles and the role of faith in
human life?
4. Describe the symbolic significance of the crow in the poem.
5. Discuss the theme of redemption and the power of nature in the poem “Dust of Snow.”
6. How does the poet use imagery to convey the destructive forces of ‘fire’ and ‘ice’?
7. Discuss the theme of human emotions and their destructive potential as portrayed in “Fire
and Ice.”

Answer :


you can go to the website of the book seller by scaning the scanner in the books and best for you is to ask your teacher or any frnd

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