Combine these sentences using infi
1. We went to a good restaurant. We o
celebrated Saroj's promotion.
3. I practise music in my free time. It
makes me feel calm.
5. My father has gone to Frankfurt: He
will attend a conference there.
2. We lit a bonfire. We warmed
4. Anil set up a grocery shop. Anil
supported his family.
6. I bought a cookbook. I tried some
new recipes.

Answer :


Here are the combined sentences using infinitives:

1. We went to a good restaurant to celebrate Saroj's promotion.

2. We lit a bonfire to warm ourselves.

3. I practice music in my free time to feel calm.

4. Anil set up a grocery shop to support his family.

5. My father has gone to Frankfurt to attend a conference.

6. I bought a cookbook to try some new recipes.

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